Features | InSimu


New app version available – Download InSimu Pro

What’s new in InSimu Pro app? Unified cross-platform experience on web and mobile: start to solve a case on desktop, continue on-the-go with the mobile app. The interface will be the same.Descriptions: clinical cases with educational descriptions for 10 different diseases within cardiology, emergency medicine, infectious diseases, pulmonology, oncology, pediatrics and dermatology specialities.Design: we made frequently

Chest X-ray, ECG & Dermatology, and Descriptions in InSimu

Breaking news! InSimu, The Virtual Patient Platform, has launched the most requested medical features together with a new mobile and web application! What’s new?  111 virtual patients with: Chest X-ray & ECG images 14 clinical scenarios with: Real-life dermatology pictures 500 clinical cases with educational descriptions for 10 different diseases within cardiology, emergency medicine, infectious diseases, pulmonology,

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