What's new in InSimu Pro app?
Unified cross-platform experience on web and mobile: start to solve a case on desktop, continue on-the-go with the mobile app. The interface will be the same.
Descriptions: clinical cases with educational descriptions for 10 different diseases within cardiology, emergency medicine, infectious diseases, pulmonology, oncology, pediatrics and dermatology specialities.
Design: we made frequently used features more accessible.
(e.g. solved patients, symptom groups)
How to get the new version?
Download the iOS app or the Android app or open the web app. You can simply login with your existing account.
Where to find specific features in the new app?
What will happen with the old version of InSimu Patient?
You can still access the InSimu Patient app version, but we strongly suggest to switch to the InSimu Pro version, because updates will be only available in the new version.
If you have a Premium or University subscription, you can enjoy the premium features with your existing account in the InSimu Pro app.
Your active subscription work in the new app version. No further actions are needed.
The courses created by your educators will be available in the Courses menu in the new app.
You can login with your existing InSimu account in the new app.
You can find cases with images and descriptions in the InSimu Pro challenge. Go to the Courses menu and start the challenge.
InSimu Pro is available on the web on this link: https://pro.insimu.app/